(1) Trump's assassin donated money to a hardleft organization through ActBlue, indicating that he was in reality a hard leftist and was either registering as a Republican to mess with Republican primaries, or just let a previous registration lapse. Actions matter more than words, and more recent actions matter more than older actions. https://notthebee.com/article/here-is-everything-we-know-about-the-shooter-who-tried-to-take-out-donald-trump (2) All of these political violence statistics are massaged to blame conservatives. (https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/republicans-release-1000-page-report-on-fbi-doj-politicization) - After the Antifa-fascists, Hamas-supporters, and the riots of 2020's Summer of Love, it is clear that the legions of leftists engaged in political violence is occurring at astronomical rates compared to rightwingers who have not engaged in violence campaigns like these.