As a MAGA Trump voter myself, this is exactly what I was voting for. Yay! Thing is, you look at a lot of that stuff and even I think "Seems like a great idea!" However, (1) it should be non-gov orgs doing that stuff in a purely voluntary basis, not government programs which are by nature systems of mass coercion that are police-enforced, and (2) all these gov programs have too high a % of admin staff. Freezing these programs provides the chance to cut down on the % of admin staff. (3) U.S. civilian gov employees should not be implementing policies that most Americans are against. Most Americans, even most Hispanic Americans, support mass deportation of illegals. Most Americans are against the latest round of the sexual revolution. Most Americans are against hiring preferences based on race or sex. And yet most U.S. civilian gov employees are doing the opposite of what the American people want. Any U.S. civilian gov employee implementing a policy that most Americans disagree with needs to be fired.