"But decapitated babies were found after the attack, according to both a group of Israeli and international forensic pathologists and Haaretz’s own reporting.
A group of 200 forensic pathologists, anthropologists, radiologists and other experts from Israel, the U.S, Switzerland, New Zealand and elsewhere gathered at the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv to help identify remains from the Israsel-Hamas war.
They reported on Oct. 16 that victims of the Hamas attack were executed, bound and burned alive, and others were found decapitated – many of whom were babies. However, they said it was difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/10/31/post-falsely-claims-newspaper-reported-no-babies-beheaded-hamas-israel-fact-check/71394076007/