Dude, you are lying. The U.S. and Israel did not "back out of the claim". In the few days after it happened, the U.S. and Israel said "Let's wait for more evidence". Well, this article goes into how that evidence was subsequently gathered in following days. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/10/31/post-falsely-claims-newspaper-reported-no-babies-beheaded-hamas-israel-fact-check/71394076007/ Doing things right takes days: You're gaslighting, taking advantage of the few days after the event and sticking your head in the sand when the investigations make final conclusions. Do you deny that an extremist Palestinian also beheaded a baby in the 2011 Itamar massacre? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Itamar_attack 2023 Hamas isn't the first time extremist Palestinians have beheaded babies.