I am an Orthodox Christian and very, very sympathetic to Serbia. However, your disparagement of Slovenia exiting is not civilized. I actually support Kosovo’s independence, but it seems you do not; more than that, I support the right of ethnic Serbs within Kosovo to declare independence of even their small villages from Kosovo, boundaries determined by waterlines. If you are consistent (and you might be) do you also disparage the Catalonians wanting independence from Spain? Do you at all sympathize with the Kurds’ dream of a Kurdistan, and if so, how do you expect them to get it since there is no way in Hell or Earth the governments of Turkey, Syria, Iran, or Iraq will ever permit it according to your constitutional standard? Do you believe in self determination at all? Because with your criticism of Slovenia, it seems not. Civilized countries allow subterritories like Quebec and Puerto Rico to vote on independence; they do not abrogate self determination like the English court system claiming authority over Scottish independence voting.