"Let us know when that's EVER happened. And how there is even any RISK of it happening." - You're demanding facts, but this is where perceptions matter. Do you deny that until last year's SCOTUS decision outlawing racial preferences, African Americans were receiving racial preferences in higher ed admissions? This is a fact. "Whites" believed that the race-based admissions were disadvantaging them. However, the truth of the matter is that race-based admissions weren't really affecting "whites" at all - Higher ed was discriminating against Asians & Jews in order to artificially boost the number of African American students. So, reparations have already been happening for decades in general hiring and higher ed race-based screening, making your protestation here a lying lie. It's already been happening, massively. https://www.highereddive.com/news/mit-blames-supreme-courts-admissions-lower-diversity/725035/