The vast majority of gun violence is committed in jurisdictions that are completely Democratic Party controlled, and yet you somehow blame Republicans. (Two of the top twenty gun violence counties are majority Republican; the rest are supermajority Democratic.) Think of all the infamous cities with gun violence problems (Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles): Those are supermajority Democratic Party cities in supermajority Democratic Party states. Gun violence is a Democratic Party problem, not a Republican Party problem.
We should learn to cope with climate change, because there is always some natural climate change. We should not be using the government's monopoly on legitimate violence to create systems of mass coercion that deploy world-changing geo-engineering terraforming projects. I am a Deep Ecologist, and as a Deep Ecologist, the only correct way to fix humanity's slaughter against the natural environment is to rewild it, not to create massive coercion-enforced geo-engineering projects that line the pockets of big corporations allied with the Democratic Party.