You seem to have no problem with homeless people camping out in public parks, thereby effectively stealing that land from the public to use it for their own private use. Public parks like playgrounds. You're not offering any realistic solutions to this problem. Do you have children? I bet you don't. I do. I've lived in the Left Coast cities as they went from places with nice parks to park-dumps overrun with homeless, to which I cannot any longer bring my children. I've seen the local businesses destroyed by homeless encampments, the city centers that for a brief period after the high crime of the 1990s has safe city centers to enjoy, but now they don't. You don't have any actual solutions to any of this. I've got a proposal: Give everyone, including the homeless, a free one acre plot of land. If a homeless person violates the law by sleeping on public land, or someone else's property, then that homeless person gets bussed to their one acre plot.