You're unprofessionally neglecting to differentiate between government vs. non-government speech, just like when people like you go around falsely accusing Republicans of book "banning" even though Democrats do the same legitimate thing when Democrats are in charge of government. DeSantis has not forbidden private schools/colleges/unis from anything. But your overly broad statement here falsely implies that he has. DeSantis is exercising his democratic legitimacy to define what government schools are going to teach. If you don't like it, there's a democratic process to follow to change it, and if you lose, well that's how democracy works so you should lose with grace. Democratic elections define the Overton Window of government-run institutions like libraries, schools & universities. If you don't like that Overton Window, you should try to win elections, or go libertarian like me and advocate that people take care of themselves rather than relying upon the government coercing others to help them out.